
Changes in Fall Schedule

Before I had a lot of sign ups I decided to change a few things!  Hopefully it works for everyone.  I started the classes for pre-K and home school a little earlier. 

I also have lessons plans ready for Art Fundamentals that can cover 8 semesters of classes!  So ages 5-12 will be able to take class.  This is awesome news for anyone wanting a more typical "art" curriculum for their kids.  It won't be a rigorous as Drawing, but will teach tons and tons of fundamentals that are necessary for any budding or progressing artist!  As the levels progress we will be tackling bigger projects that take longer to finish, and I am excited about that!  It is so much fun as you get older to put more time into a piece, there is a bigger sense of accomplishment that comes with that.  Art Fundamentals will involve drawing, painting, chalk pastels, oil pastels, tempera, watercolor, and misc. mediums.  It will be a lot of fun!

The Fundamentals of art teach about the use of Color, Value, Texture, Shape, Line & Form.  Each level will add to the previous one, teaching more in depth and with the creation of more involved projects.  We will also learn to compare art works and artists.

I have added classes for Art Fundamentals from Level 1 through Level 4 for Fall.  I will continue adding each semester to accommodate those who are moving through the program!

Beginning in the Fall this is how Art Fundamentals will work:
Art Fundamentals Levels 1-8 (Ages 5-12)

Age 5 can ONLY take Level 1& 2
Ages 6-7 Level 1-6 (start at the lowest level)
 Ages 8-10 Levels 3-8 (start at the lowest level)
Ages 11-12 Levels 4-8(start at the lowest level)


Last chance to sign up for Summer!

I have classes that are almost to capacity, and I won't squish more in.  But I have a few openings still and would love to fill them!  Classes start June 6th so don't procrastinate!  Head over to the Summer Classes link (above in the menu).  First come first serve!  Summer will be so much fun!  We will learn like crazy but it will be a fun atmosphere!  That's the best way to learn if you ask me!

Fall Registration is Open!

I have made my schedule for the classes at my studio for Fall.  If you want to register now you certainly can!  Fall classes are in the menu above.  I have simplified payments so that it is a flat fee and you can pay in one, two or three installments!  Yay for simplifying!!!

I am possibly going to add classes at the Lehi Arts Building, and I am discussing classes for Draper and another location in Saratoga Springs.  As those get worked out I will let you know.  I know so many people from Orem to Taylorsville have asked me to come closer, but I don't know if that will be possible, but I am doing what I can to get a little closer!



I have been giving out scholarships anonymously this semester.  I decided that I would make this known to everyone.  You can see a link up above in the menu bar for "scholarships".  If you are in financial need you can apply.  If you know someone who would be interested but can't afford class, please refer them to the scholarship application. 


I offer up to three scholarships each semester.  These go to students who show a very intense interest in art and whose families are in a financial situation that prevents them from being able to afford classes.  If you are in this situation, or know someone who is, then I encourage you (or your referral) to apply.

1. The student must be interested in art, and spend much of their free time creating art work.
2. The family must be in financial need.  (I do not require proof, just honesty.)
3. The application is due no later than two weeks before the semester starts. Applications will be applied to whichever semester they are turned in in time for.
4.The student cannot miss more than two classes per semester or the scholarship will be given to someone else.  If the student misses a third class the student will not be permitted to class without paying.  (I want this to be an opportunity that is taken seriously, and I expect it to be used wisely.)
5. Any one student can only receive a maximum of two scholarships.
6. Scholarships are not transferable.
7. Scholarships are awarded based on the application.
8. All ages may apply.


New Classes Added

I added a few more classes to the summer schedule because a few seem to have more demand than I expected! (I love that!)

Drawing 1 Mondays 1-2pm
Arts & Crafts class on Mondays from 2-3pm.
Art Elements (NEW! Ages 4-6) Tuesdays 10-10:45am
Art Fundamentals Tuesdays 10:45-11:30am

I may add more if there is a big rush in the next week or so.


Boy Scout Art Classes in June

I am setting up a class for Boy Scouts to work on their Art Merit Badges, Cub Scout art belt loops and pins.  (I am a merit badge counselor for art!)  We will tackle most of the projects needed in class with a few being done at home in the week between classes.
You must attend both sessions in order to finish the requirements!  Materials will be provided. We will be working with messy materials, so dress appropriately.

You register by clicking the link that follows the class description.  Your spot is not reserved until paid for.  You can pay for the class by using the shopping cart button at the bottom!

Art Merit Badges
I am a merit badge counselor for art!  We will tackle most of the projects needed in class with a few being done at home in the week between classes.
You must attend both sessions in order to finish the requirements!  Materials will be provided. We will be working with messy materials, so dress appropriately.

June 7 AND 28
*To complete the requirements a trip to a museum is required.  If you can do that before classes end I can sign it off.
Register for the Merit Badge Classes by clicking HERE!

Cub Scout Art Belt Loop
We will tackle all of the projects needed in class!
You must attend both sessions in order to finish the requirements!  
Materials will be provided. We will be working with messy materials, so dress appropriately.

June 14 AND 21
Register for the Art Belt Loop classes by clicking HERE!

Cub Scout Art Pin (after Belt Loop is earned)
We will tackle all of the projects needed in class!
You must attend both sessions in order to finish the requirements!  
Materials will be provided. We will be working with messy materials, so dress appropriately.

June 14 AND 21
Register for the Art Pin Classes by clicking HERE!

Register FIRST! Then you can pay:
Student's Full Name and Class
Parent's Name + Phone