
Class Updates

Okay, I have a couple of updates I need to post before I forget!

First- Arts & Crafts will only be in June, and I still am short 4 kids in that class. Please spread the word! This class is fun, not a lot different than Art Fundamentals, but we will play with more mediums and there will be more of "building" things (crafts that are assembled, I guess that's a way to put it). So this is great for kids that like to be hands on and "make" something more than a painting or drawing. This is also a great way to get younger kids interested in art and help keep their creative imaginations going without a lot of pressure.

Art Fundamentals is getting full. I have a number of people who have said they want a spot, but that haven't paid. I am going to have to take whoever pays first even if you have asked for me to "save" a spot. In the past I have saved spots and then had no shows, and I decided I would not do that anymore. So, if you are wanting a spot you need to hurry! I have more people requesting spots than I have spots. Also, I am discouraging one month spots in that class because space is so limited and I have enough people that want both months, and I would rather have all my spots be full, so that takes priority for me.

And last- drawing 2 has a few more spots open. Again, if you are wanting a spot in there please hurry. We aren't quite to the 8 student mark, but supplies are not an issue in this class, so I will probably keep it open anyway. I would love it to have a few more students though, so please tell your friends!

Thank you so much!

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