
Last Call for Summer!

Alright- we are down to just over a week to go!  Classes are filling well, and only have a few spots left.  Here is the update (you can see the current status by going to the registration page):

Arts & Crafts, June ONLY, 4 spots open

Art Fundamentals, June & July only, 4 spots open

Drawing, June & July, 3 spots open

You can register as late as you choose, but there are no makeups for missed classes, and I am not lowering the price for late sign ups.  So if you are just waiting it is better to get signed up and start on day one!

I will send out an email *hopefully* over the weekend to all those signed up with the the details about my studio policies, maps, reminders, what to bring/wear, etc.

Also, please feel free to share this blog with a friend!  I would love to have all 12 seats full in each class.  It keeps my costs from having to go up to cover supplies!

Thanks and I will see you soon!!!!

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